Weekend Recap

I am definitely typing and publishing this post for the second time. Somehow, my brain magically communicated to my fingers to hit the delete button on the post that I worked extremely hard on. Annoying.

This weekend was awesome and filled with many fun times. Friday was low key for us and was spent exactly how I love my Friday nights: pizza, blanket, Netflix, Hank, and....oh yeah, Crawford. It was pure bliss.

Saturday was a great day as well. Crawford woke up and went and helped our friends Maggie and Corey move. We are so excited for them and their new adventure. They patiently waited for 9 months for God to provide them a house that had the acreage, space, and school district that they wanted. They lived with her parents for 9 MONTHS!!. And it paid off majorly and God provided them a home that was in foreclosure. 

While Craw was helping them, I cleaned the house and finished decorating. WIFE OF THE YEAR! Not!!

Our tree in all her glory. Sorry for the bluriness.

Our mantle is getting there...not quite how I envisioned it but it will do for this year.

Mom surprised us with these ornaments. This one was for buying our first home this year.

Can't forget Hank!!

Our ornament that we bought in St Lucia- our new tradition.

Sunday was a busy yet awesome day. We started the day at church. I sang in our annual Christmas cantata at both services. It was fun but my voice was shot by the end. After church, we left for Edenton to celebrate Christmas with the Crawfords.

Crawfords aunt and uncle have a house right on the Edenton waterfront. It was gorgeous and the view was breathtaking. We do not get to see that side often so it was nice catching up with everyone. 

**Side note: There were 5 weddings on the Crawford side in 2014!**

Our time with his family was short but we thoroughly enjoyed it.

Once we left Edenton, we headed to our Christmas Shindig with our friends. We were missing a few but majority were able to come. I love my friends and have been blessed to have most of them here in Wilson and the surrounding areas.

We always have the best times together. We played Dirty Santa, watched a hilarious Christmas comedy, and laughed till we cried. I will forever cherish the memories that have been made with these special people and I look forward to all the memories to come.

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