If you missed the first two parts of the story, click the links above and it will take you directly to those posts. The next part of our adoption journey just might be my favorite because it would not have happened if it weren't for God's loving grace being shown through complete strangers.
Let me first start by explaining a little bit about the adoption laws. All 50 states have a law in place called the Interstate Compact on Placement of Children (ICPC). Basically what this laws means is that adopting parents have to receive permission to travel across state lines from the state in which they are adopting from as well as their home state. In our case, our social worker had to fill out paperwork and put it in the mail to the Florida courts. Once the Florida courts did what they needed to do, they would then mail the paperwork to North Carolina courts. We were not allowed to leave the state of Florida until the North Carolina courts signed off giving us permission to travel. This travel approval can take anywhere from 10-15 business days but in most cases, it usually takes about 2 weeks.
We knew from the very beginning that we would have to stay in Florida for at least 2 weeks but we fully expected to have time to plan and figure out where we were staying prior to the baby being born. In our situation, there was no time to plan or prepare. Our only goal was to get to Florida and see our baby. Once we got to Camden and the adrenaline died down, it started to sink in that we had no clue where we were going once we left the hospital and that was a very scary thought. I can remember sitting in the NICU holding Camden on the first day and just crying my eyes out. I was so overwhelmed and I knew that Craw was going to have to fly back home for work in 3 days. Not only did we have no where to go, I was about to be alone with a newborn baby and I had no clue what I was doing.
And that is where Angie stepped in. I met Angie through a mutual friend and was able to sit down with her last August and hear her adoption story. She had just adopted her son in January and was telling me all about her agency in Florida. At the time, I was not interested in going out of state for the adoption so I just kind of shut it down. It wasn't until God closed every door we opened in North Carolina that I called the agency in Florida. From the very first phone call, I knew this was our agency. The week before I got the call, I was texting Angie saying that I was struggling being patient and scared that we were not going to get matched. She told me that she had a friend from VA that was currently in Florida awaiting the birth of their adopted son and she knew of one more baby that was also being born that week so the agency was super busy. Little did I know that this was the start of our story.
As soon as Angie found out that we got the call and a baby was already born, she started texting me asking how she could help. She offered to look up hotels, research rental houses, and even offered me a room in her sisters house which was about 45 minutes from where we were currently. Then she sent me a text asking for permission for her to give my contact information to her friend Shannon. This is the same girl that Angie told me about a week earlier that was down in Florida adopting her baby boy. Never in a million years did I think that my story would be linked to Shannons. About 30 minutes later, I received a call from Shannon. They were renting a house and had an extra bedroom and bathroom for us to have. Not only that but her mom and dad were with her so they could help me out when Craw had to fly back home. Shannon also REFUSED to let me pay her any money to go towards the rent. A complete stranger was offering us a place to stay, for free.
I cried. HARD!
Typically I would never stay with a stranger but it was one of those situations where I felt at peace from the very first conversation we had. It was like I was talking to a friend I've known my whole life. It also helped that Shannon was adopting through the same agency so she could help me with all of the next steps and what to expect. Her husband also had to return home for work so she was able to help me navigate the struggle of saying goodbye. Her son Braxton was born 9 days before Camden and they were about a week ahead of us in terms of waiting for travel approval. When we left the hospital, we drove straight to the house Shannon was renting and they had a nice home cooked meal waiting for us.
Shannon and her wonderful family were ABSOLUTELY the hands and feet of Jesus for us.
There is no other way to say it. They opened up their home and their hearts to us from the very beginning. Her mom was able to help me out as a motherly figure by giving advice when Camden cried and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Shannon cried with me and prayed for me when I cried like a baby when Craw left to go home. They checked on me during the middle of the night feedings to make sure I was getting adequate sleep. They were the blessing that I had no clue I would even need.
I ended up staying with them for a week. They received travel approval on Wednesday, January 24th, so my parents helped me pack up and move to a different location the next day. It was so sad to say goodbye to Shannon and her mom but I was so excited for them to get to travel back home to Virginia. I will never forget the kindness that Shannon and her family showed to us and I can only pray that we are able to bless another family one day the way they blessed us. We definitely plan to meet up in the future to get Braxton and Camden together for a play date and I'm already looking forward to that day.
One thing that I've realized is God's hand has been writing our story from the very beginning. From meeting Angie, doors being closed, other doors being opened, having a baby basically fall in our lap, Angie introducing us to Shannon, and Shannon providing us a place to stay, God was IN IT from the beginning.
It may not always make sense in the moment but looking back, I can clearly see how God was writing Camden's story and I'm thrilled that Shannon and Braxton are part of his story.

I cried. HARD!
Typically I would never stay with a stranger but it was one of those situations where I felt at peace from the very first conversation we had. It was like I was talking to a friend I've known my whole life. It also helped that Shannon was adopting through the same agency so she could help me with all of the next steps and what to expect. Her husband also had to return home for work so she was able to help me navigate the struggle of saying goodbye. Her son Braxton was born 9 days before Camden and they were about a week ahead of us in terms of waiting for travel approval. When we left the hospital, we drove straight to the house Shannon was renting and they had a nice home cooked meal waiting for us.
Shannon and her wonderful family were ABSOLUTELY the hands and feet of Jesus for us.
There is no other way to say it. They opened up their home and their hearts to us from the very beginning. Her mom was able to help me out as a motherly figure by giving advice when Camden cried and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Shannon cried with me and prayed for me when I cried like a baby when Craw left to go home. They checked on me during the middle of the night feedings to make sure I was getting adequate sleep. They were the blessing that I had no clue I would even need.
I ended up staying with them for a week. They received travel approval on Wednesday, January 24th, so my parents helped me pack up and move to a different location the next day. It was so sad to say goodbye to Shannon and her mom but I was so excited for them to get to travel back home to Virginia. I will never forget the kindness that Shannon and her family showed to us and I can only pray that we are able to bless another family one day the way they blessed us. We definitely plan to meet up in the future to get Braxton and Camden together for a play date and I'm already looking forward to that day.
One thing that I've realized is God's hand has been writing our story from the very beginning. From meeting Angie, doors being closed, other doors being opened, having a baby basically fall in our lap, Angie introducing us to Shannon, and Shannon providing us a place to stay, God was IN IT from the beginning.
It may not always make sense in the moment but looking back, I can clearly see how God was writing Camden's story and I'm thrilled that Shannon and Braxton are part of his story.
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