Adult Weekend Getaway | Jenna's Wedding

We kicked off May with a couples getaway weekend to celebrate Jenna getting married.  The wedding was in Murphy, NC so we decided months ago to make a whole weekend out of it. We left Friday after work and drove to Cragmont for a quick one night stay. It was so much fun having some adult time to catch up on life and not have to worry about kids.
Saturday we woke up and headed to Murphy. We stopped at the Nantahala Outdoor Center and it was nice to have lunch right on the water. We arrived in Murphy later that afternoon and checked in to our Airbnb. We rented a cabin right on the water for the weekend and it was extremely nice (minus the dog hair).
Saturday night we went to a nice steakhouse for dinner. While we were waiting for our reservations, we stopped by the Irish pub and I felt like I was back in Ireland for a brief second. Dinner was great and we enjoyed the company. After dinner, we headed back to the cabin and Jenna and all of the church girls came by for a visit. It was so sweet hanging out with her the night before her wedding. She was a calm bride and its still so surreal that she is now a married woman. When I graduated college, I came back home and started teaching the middle/high school Sunday school class and Jenna was only in 7th grade. Time truly does fly.
Sunday morning was low key and we spent the morning hanging out and getting ready for the wedding.  The wedding was outside and it was a beautiful ceremony. Jenna was radiating happiness all day and a smile never left her face. It was truly special to see her and James kiss for the first time on their wedding day. We enjoyed the reception and had fun catching up with Heather and Daniel.
After the wedding, we changed in to comfy clothes and took a ride in the convertible. It was Cinco de Mayo so we enjoyed some yummy Mexican food and ended the night around a campfire. It was the best weekend and I enjoyed sneaking away with Craw for a couple days. We missed Camden but he had a blast with his grandparents.
Side Note: The day we left, Cam had his first big accident. I was going to put him in the car and as I was opening the car door, he ran right in to the side of the door and cut his head. It was traumatic for me because it swelled up immediately and it was bleeding. It also happened as I was about to say bye to him for a whole weekend.  Thankfully, the swelling went down quick and the next day, it was just a small scrape. I'm sure that will be the first of many booboo's but it sure did make my mama heart sad.


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My Second Mothers Day

There are no words that could possibly describe what this boy means to me. We celebrated my second mothers day this past weekend and it still feels surreal that I am a mother. My heart truly aches for those that are anxiously awaiting to be mothers for the first time because it truly is the best job in the world. My prayer is that God fulfills their promises soon.
My only request for mothers day was to have a chill day and a long nap. Craw made it happen and it was the BEST day! It started with the perfect home cooked breakfast and then we went to church. After church, we came home and we took the best nap ever. We ended the night by having dinner with my parents. We saw Craws parents the day before so it was the perfect weekend.
I love his boy with all my heart and I am blessed to be his mother.

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Camden Ivey | 15 Months

I wanted to do a quick 15 month update on Camden because so much has changed since his 12 month update. This little space is pretty much his baby book even though I highly doubt he will one day read these posts. #wishfulthinking
 The one thing I've noticed is life is getting more fun with each new phase he enters. He is becoming much more independent and his personality is a highlight of my day. The only downside is the tantrums have presented themselves and they are no fun but I will talk about those in a second.
He currently weighs 24.4 pounds. He's picked up two pounds in the last 3 months and he definitely feels heavier when we hold him.
We have noticed his taste buds are starting to change. He used to love broccoli but now he spits it out every time we give it to him. Carbs are his favorite and he has started dipping EVERYTHING in sauce (he is SOOO my child). He loves ketchup the most and would eat fistfuls of it if we let him. He is completely off all bottles but will occasionally get a sippy cup of milk before bed depending on how much dinner he eats. The good thing is he doesn't require it to go to sleep. He still loves applesauce and yogurt pouches.
We are blessed to have a great sleeper. Very rarely does he wake up in the middle of the night and usually it's only if he is sick. He usually wakes up around 6:30ish but will lay in his crib and play until we are ready to go get him. He is down to one nap a day at daycare and he does great sleeping on the little cot. We will occasionally do two naps on Saturday if he acts like he needs it and it does not mess up the rest of the week. He still sleeps with his doggy and paci. In fact, he will not go to sleep at home without his doggy but he does okay at daycare. He might do okay without a paci but I'm not quite ready to try it yet. I feel like the paci means he's still my little baby.
I think the biggest milestone is him being able to respond to most commands. He knows how to cleanup his toys when we ask, he will pick something up and throw it in the trash, he loves to sign "more" when he wants something else to eat, he will clasp his hands when we tell him to "say his prayers", and he walks straight to his crib when we say "night night." His words consist of dada, mama, ball, bye bye, and duck. He understands so many things but doesn't quite repeat after us yet. He is super fast and is practically running. I feel like he took off from the moment he started walking.
Being outside is still his favorite. In fact, he goes into meltdown mode the minute we start walking towards the door. He is obsessed with the lawn mower and usually takes off running to the back of the house the second we get him out of the car. He also loves to play in our cars and pretend like he is driving the steering wheel. We have been taking advantage of warmer weather by going to the park and he LOVES it. He does great sliding down the slide and he loves to swing. I'd say the newest thing he loves is the iPad. He was never one to watch TV but we found Little Baby Bum on Netflix and he is OBSESSED with it. We are trying to find the balance in letting him watch something he loves for a little while and knowing when it's time to cut it off. He usually melts down when we cut it off. Lastly, he is still obsessed with balls. In fact, there was a basketball in the room where we did the Easter egg hunt and he skipped over 2,000 eggs and went straight to the ball.
He hates getting in his car seat. He does okay once he is buckled in and the car starts moving but he screams bloody murder when we try to put him in. He is still rear facing so it has been a major challenge. The last couples of weeks have been a little better but March was BRUTAL when it came to buckling him in.
My little skinny man is still in 12 month pants/shorts. His waist is SO SKINNY so it's tough for him to fit in 18 months. He does wear 18 month shirts and pajamas. He also wears a size 5 shoe.
Camden Ivey, where has the time gone? I look at pictures of you and no longer see a baby. You are definitely a toddler now. You are ALL BOY and we love that. In fact, you ate a handful of dirt last night and looked at me and laughed. Your personality is my favorite and your rambunctiousness keeps me on my toes. I miss you so much during the day when I'm at work but find myself exhausted by the time we put you to bed because we play hard when we get home. You love your mama and it brings pure joy to my soul that you light up when you see me. That one dimple smile gets me every single time. I love you so much sweet boy and life is just getting better and better.


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First Beach Weekend of 2019

We took Camden to the beach two weeks ago and it was the first beach trip of the new year for us. The last time Camden was there he was only 5 months old so a lot has changed since then. Mom had already baby-proofed the house as best she could but it was definitely a "stay-on-the-porch" type weekend. Craw was on a hiking trip so mom and I ventured down with Camden on Friday morning after my doctors appointment. It was a gorgeous day and it was so fun watching Camden's eyes light up when we took him on the golf cart.
Once we got unpacked, we took Camden over to the playground. It was so funny watching him try to figure out sand for the first time. He stood still as a statue when I first put him down and I don't think he liked it too much at first.  He eventually got used to it and he loved the playground. Later that afternoon, we took him to the beach. He acted a little scared at first but he eventually warmed up to his surroundings and he loved watching the seagulls in the water. He did get knocked down by a little wave and he did not like that but the water was also freezing. I can't wait to take him back this summer.
Saturday it rained all day long. Literally, ALL DAY LONG! It was tough trying to entertain a 15 month old in a small little park model home. I was worried about Camden napping and sleeping well at night since he would be in the pack-n-play but he did great all weekend. Sunday we packed up and ventured home. We can't wait to go back next time with daddy.

Craw had fun hiking through torrential downpours.

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