The Crib

Have you ever had a moment where something happens that completely reassures you that you are walking within Gods will for your life? I like to refer to these instances as my "God moments." Craw and I have seen a lot of God moments within the past couple of months that have completely reassured us that God is calling us to adopt.

A few weeks ago, I experienced one of the best God moments of my life. With the stress of adoption, one thing that I wanted to start doing from the beginning was preparing a nursery. I don't want to bring home a baby to an empty room. I had a friend that sent me a picture of a crib someone was selling on the Facebook marketplace for $50. I immediately logged on to Facebook but I could not find the post that she was talking about so I just started looking through some of the other listings. I came across a listing for a Delta 3-in-1 crib that was being sold for $40.  The crib looked to be in really good condition so I immediately messaged the seller.  In the meantime, my friend sent me a message that it looked like the crib she had seen was already sold. It sold THAT fast.

The seller immediately messaged me back and told me that the crib was still in really good condition with all of its parts, it just had two places that had visible teeth marks. Having seen all of my friend's cribs, this did not concern me at all so I immediately told her that I wanted it. I also explained in the message how my husband and I are adopting and this crib is going to be absolutely perfect for us.

This is when the God moment happened. I can cry again just thinking about it. This woman that I have never met before immediately responded with this...

Insert me ugly crying here. Wow! This person that I have NEVER met, that posted the Facebook ad 3 days earlier and didn't receive any hits, that had EVERY intention to place it outside at their yard sale where it would have for sure sold: SHE was GIFTING us this crib! I could not believe it, I mean I was more than willing to pay the $40 but she would not take it. That was a God moment for sure. In that moment, I knew God was 100% reassuring us of the call he has placed on our lives.

Adoption is such a beautiful thing. In the past few days, I've received numerous messages of others that have been on the fence about adoption but are really intrigued by our story. I even had one person say that she knows that this is something God has been calling her to but she has been too scared of the financial aspect of adoption to dig any further. I don't say this to gain more attention to our story but I absolutely think that God has a greater plan. Our prayer is that one day, Craw and I are going to be able to help another family that may be on the fence about adoption.

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1 comment

  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Isn't God just AMAZING!!! I am loving your blog Audrey and your journey! So blessed to know you dear friend. <3
