Goodness gracious! I've been looking forward to typing out that post title for a while now. We are officially home study approved and our literally just waiting for "the call" saying that we are matched. I feel like I have every single emotion running through my mind 24/7. One minute I'm so excited I could shout to the heavens and the next minute I'm crying. I also feel anxious, fear, and sadness thinking about the choice this mama is about to have to make.
From every adoptive mom I've spoken with and every adoption blog I've read, these emotions are all very normal. So much is about to change in such a short amount of time. Even my friends that have given birth say they go through many of these emotions the day they find out they are pregnant. Am I really ready to be a mom? My heart says absolutely but there is always that thought in the back of my mind that says everything that I know right now is about to change and that is a little scary.
The home study process was surprisingly very smooth for us. I LOVE the agency we used for the home study. They were a pleasure to work with and they made everything feel so easy. I'm also a type A person so when given a list of all of the documents we needed, I pretty much had copies of everything within a days time. The background checks were super easy. Again, I cannot say enough good things about how the process worked for us.
The last visit with the social worker was the home visit. We gave her a tour of our home and showed her the baby's room. She needed to know the measurement of that room but other than that, everything was a quick walk through. She didn't look inside cabinets or closets so it was really just like having a friend over.
We received our completed home study in the mail on November 20th. We were so excited and it was the very best mail day. We immediately sent a copy to our agency and began working on our profile book. I made the book from scratch and we received it in the mail this weekend and mailed it to the agency today along with a check for the first payment installment. I can't believe that we are nearing the end and are in the "waiting" phase now. Our part is done! Now we wait to get matched and then wait for the baby to be born.
I messaged our agency this morning and there are currently 2 waiting birth mothers that they plan to match within the next month. This was very exciting news. I'm not sure how many waiting adopting families they may have but I'm just praying that God is going to match us to the birth mama that he has handpicked just for us
Lastly, I posted this photo yesterday on Facebook of our profile book and I want to document what I wrote alongside the picture.
"Tomorrow is the day we mail our profile book to our agency. The profile book is the one shot we get to show a glimpse of our lives to the birth families. Will you join me in prayer over the hands this book will touch? Our prayer is that it will fall in to the hands that God has handpicked for our family. More than anything, we pray for the lives this book may touch as I fully believe this book is a major part of our story AND their story. I pray that the birth family we match to will truly see the love that Jesus has for them."

"Tomorrow is the day we mail our profile book to our agency. The profile book is the one shot we get to show a glimpse of our lives to the birth families. Will you join me in prayer over the hands this book will touch? Our prayer is that it will fall in to the hands that God has handpicked for our family. More than anything, we pray for the lives this book may touch as I fully believe this book is a major part of our story AND their story. I pray that the birth family we match to will truly see the love that Jesus has for them."