Ten Things About Me

1. I'm not a morning person/I love the snooze button
I literally sleep until the last possible minute and even then I may squeeze in an extra 30 seconds. I hit snooze at least 4 times every morning and yes, it makes Crawford mad. (It's better than snoozing 1.5 hours like I did before we got married- improvements people).

2. I love to sing.
I'm an alto and have been singing my whole life. I LOVE to harmonize and come from a musical family. I do NOT sing when put on the spot.

3. I'm not a animal person but I love my dog.
Does that even make sense? Didn't think so! I can't explain it but for some reason, I just don't really like animals.  I freak out whenever any type of animal comes near me. However, I love me some Hank. 

4. My favorite food is Mexican.
I LOVE mexican food. I could eat it every day of the week.

5. I have attended the same church my whole life. 
This one is self explanatory. 

6. I hate cooking.
  I am working on this one...especially since I am a newlywed.  Luckily, Crawford knew this when he married me.  It's not that I can't cook, I just hate it.  I wish I loved it but I see it as a chore.  Maybe one day, it will just hit me and I will love it.  One can wish.

7. I love bargain shopping. 
True story, I probably check 5 different websites before I buy something online to see if I am getting the best deal.  I love it.

8. I am blind as a bat. 
I literally cannot see my hand in front of my face without my contacts.  I also cannot make out a person standing right beside me.  I am THAT blind.  I have to keep an extra pair of contacts on me at all times. Luckily, contacts fix my problem and one day, I hope to have lasik eye surgery.

9. I am obsessed with distressed furniture.
When I say obsessed, I mean OBSESSED.  I would decorate my entire house with it if I could.  Who knows, one day, I might.  I have tried to do it myself but I just don't have the magic touch yet.

10. Crawford and I "talked" for an entire year before we officially started dating. 
I wasn't ready for a relationship but I knew I liked him so some would say I led him on for a whole year.  I wouldn't trade that year for anything in the world.  It was one of the best years of my life because I  slowly got to know the man of my dreams. 

**Sorry for all the random funky fonts. It wouldn't let me change it to all one font. Weird**

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