Camden Ivey | Seven Months

TIME SLOW DOWN! Holy moly I have never seen 7 months go by so fast in all my life. On top of time flying by, it seems like Camden is learning something new every single day. In fact, Craw and I agreed this has been the biggest month of changes we have seen thus far.


He weighs a whopping 19 pounds 9 ounces. We just had him weighed last Friday so he has gained a pound in the last month.


Man oh man he is eating so much these days. We've successfully cut out a bottle (he gets 4 bottles now) and we have gone down to 6 ounce bottles during the day at daycare. He is eating 2 meals of purees and we are about to move up to 3 times a day. He is pretty much eating 2 packs of the stage 1 baby food or 1 pack of the stage 2 foods. He also loves to eat mum mums. We have started working with him on yogurt melts but he doesn't quite have the texture down yet.


Sleep is going well for the most part. Bedtime is usually at 8 and he will sleep until 6-6:30. If he wakes up any earlier, we usually put him in our bed and he will sleep until 6:45-7 but if he wakes up on his own around 6 or 6:30, he is up and ready to go.  


Cam has mastered sitting up. He was doing this last month but still a little bit slouched but now he sits up perfectly straight without falling. We had a few bumps and bruises this month of him trying to figure it out but he definitely has it now. He is "kind of" crawling. I say kind of because he has the movements down and appears like he is crawling but has yet to crawl all the way across the floor. I feel like I will officially consider him a crawler when I see him get from point A to point B. He gave us his first medical scare this past weekend. We took him to the doctor on Friday (the day he turned 7 months) and they said his low grade fever was from teething. By Sunday, his fever had hit 104.6 and it freaked me out. I called Craw and told him to get home from church now and we took him to the ER. About an hour later, we had an ear infection diagnosis and his first antibiotic. I jokingly told Craw that was the most expensive ear infection ever. Another major milestone was moving him to the big tub. After realizing he was soaking our counters, windows, and floors from the sink baths, it was time to move him on up. We also noticed that he is really starting to recognize his name. Some of our favorite nicknames are Cam, Cam Cam, Booger, Bubby, and Small Fry (I blame Craw).


Cam loves to give high fives. I think he loves us saying "yayyyyy" and clapping our hands afterwards more than giving the actual high five. He also loves to play peek-a-boo and will laugh every time. He loves baths in the big tub and is obsessed with his blanket and stuffed animals. He has started copying us when we blow bubbles with our mouth and he is so cute trying to do it. He loves to shake his head at Hank anytime Hank tries to lick him in the face. It is the funniest thing ever because its like he is saying "no no no". One of his absolute favorite things to do is chew on the brim of a hat. It is so funny to watch someone hold him that is wearing a hat because he goes straight to the brim with his mouth. His Uncle Caseys hat is his favorite.


He dislikes any real food. I think its a texture thing but he will quickly spit out anything we try to put in his mouth. He also hates being left in a room by himself, even if its just for 30 seconds.


He is wearing 9 month pajamas and 9 month onesies. He can still wear a lot of 6 month shorts/pants but 9 month seems to fit him better.

Camden Ivey, you amaze me every single day. I love watching you learn new things and its very obvious that your daddy and I are going to have to watch you closely because you are already in to everything. You are still the smiliest baby I've ever seen and your big grin melts my heart. Your daddy loves to pick you up from daycare but it sure does make mama's day when I get to be the one to pick you up. We love you so much and I'm so excited for your first fall...I may have already bought your Halloween outfit and its only August.

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