My first Mothers Day was one to remember. Craw and Camden spoiled me big time and it was so nice to spend the weekend with all of my family. I also got some surprises from Wee School and they melted my heart. We decided to celebrate with my mother-in-law on Saturday so that she could get more one-on-one time with Camden. We had a wonderful evening with Craw's family and I got an early Mothers Day gift by Camden falling asleep and snuggling in my arms. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day.
I learned that the day before Mothers Day is Birth Mothers Day. I had no idea but was so excited to learn that its an actual day for women to be recognized for making very brave choices. I will say it until the day I die...Camden's birth mother is my hero and I loved knowing that there is one day a year that we can publicly celebrate a woman I have never met but owe everything to.
I woke up on Sunday to Hank ferociously barking at something in the kitchen. Craw was already at church so I knew he must have done something. I walked in to breakfast on the table, a handwritten letter, a necklace with Camden's name on it, and a Mothers Day balloon. The balloon was the source of Hanks barking. I took my time getting ready with Camden and just enjoyed the time spent with just him. After all, he is the reason I was able to celebrate. When we got to church, I was surprised with a beautiful butterfly painting of Camden's feet. We love Mrs. Jennifer!
One thing that I LOVED is when it came time for the mothers to be recognized during the church service, the speaker asked for all women to stand and be recognized. Every woman got a rose and I LOVED that he did that because you never know what someone sitting in the congregation may be going through. It made my heart happy for sure.
After church, we went to Olive Garden to celebrate with my mom. We enjoyed lunch and the time spent with each other. For moms gift, we gave her a weekend away at the beach with just Hillary and I (& Camden). I can't wait to do that this summer.
My one Mothers Day wish was for a long nap and Craw made it happen! It was the best Sunday afternoon nap and Craw even got Camden to sleep so he got to enjoy some down time. After my nap, we took Camden to the park for a little while and enjoyed the rest of the day as a family of 3 (plus Hank). It was very relaxing and the perfect end to a perfect weekend.
My first Mothers Day was spent doing exactly what I wanted with the people that I love most and I will always thank the Lord for making me Camden's mama.
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