I think I am in denial that my baby is already 4 months old. I find myself thinking back to 4 months ago today, sitting at work, having no idea that by the end of the day I would have a son lying in a hospital in Florida. Our story still blows my mind and I love to close my eyes and relive those moments. It was the happiest, yet slightly scariest, day of my life.
16 pounds 7 ounces and 26 1/2 inches long. I think we are going to have a tall baby.
He is eating 7 ounce every 4 hours and that equates to 5 bottles a day. He is still on Enfamil Infant formula and has moved up to size 3 bottle nipples. This has been great because he can drink a 7 ounce bottle in about 10 minutes where as it was taking him about 20-25 minutes.
His sleeping habits were thrown off this month by a nasty cold. In fact, he still isn't 100% over it and has been battling it for 2.5 weeks. He sleeps well for the most part but we did move him to the rock-n-play so that he was elevated while fighting the nasty cough. We have just moved him back to his crib and he does well but his cough will occasionally wake him up and I have to go back in and stick his paci in. We had our first super early morning this month. He woke up at 5:45 AM on a Saturday for a bottle and decided he wanted to stay up and not go back down. This non-morning person was STRUGGLING.
HOLY MILESTONES! I think he decided this was the month he wanted to do everything. He did his first belly laugh while at the doctor and I even got it on video. That was exciting since daddy was out of town and could listen to him laugh. He also rolled over for the first time last Wednesday. He was super close to doing it for about a week and last Wednesday I went and laid him on the floor of the church nursery and turned my back for 10 seconds and when I turned around, he was on his tummy. I freaked out and ran and got Craw and now he is rolling over constantly. This weekend he rolled over to his tummy and then flipped himself back over to his back but that is the only time he has done that. He hasn't quite mastered going from tummy to back but it's coming. He also started Wee School this month an that was a huge milestone for him and for mama and daddy. We miss Rebekah but know that this is best for him as she prepared to give birth to sweet Caroline.
He loves to smile. We have one happy baby and that makes my heart so happy. He will smile at anyone that takes the time to talk to him. He is also starting to babble A LOT! Wee School told us that he talked the entire day yesterday. He still loves being outside and bath time.
We noticed this month that he was starting to crash earlier than normal. Daycare is wearing him out! Because of that, he HATES getting overly tired. The minute we see his eyes starting to get heavy, we better have a paci ready or he is about to scream. He also HATES having his nose cleaned. HOLY TANTRUM when its time to suck his snot.
Still in a lot of 3 month but also starting to wear some 6 month.
Camden Ivey, what a month you had! Watching all of your little milestones made me so happy and excited for what is to come. Your smile is my absolute favorite thing about you. You completely light up the minute you see your mama and daddy. I love that you love people and I pray that you stay outgoing but even if you become more of an introvert like your mama, that's okay too. We love you slam to pieces.
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