Camden's First Easter

I dreamed of what holidays would be like prior to having a baby. Watching my friends with their kids, I knew that all holidays were going to be a special time. Easter has always been special to me in my faith journey so I was super excited to celebrate it with my sweet boy this year. He was too small to participate in all of the fun events but we still took him and had a blast. I can already tell he's going to have a blast next year when he can actually walk and pick up an egg.

We kicked off Easter weekend at church on Friday night for the Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt. They do an egg hunt in the dark for older kids and do a normal egg hunt for the toddlers. Camden had fun seeing all of his BFF's and we even got one picture with Logan (10 months) and Carter (7 months).
Saturdays are my favorite because I love waking Camden up and cuddling with him in our bed. He is such a happy baby in the mornings and is when he does the most of his talking. Saturday was my mom's birthday so we celebrated a steak dinner with her. We gave her a canvas of Camden's feet making an anchor since my parents love the beach. We had such a fun night hanging with family and got some great pictures of Camden. He also got his first Easter egg basket from my parents and his favorite present was the sunglasses.

Sunday morning I was running things solo. Craw had to be at church at 6 am for the sunrise service so I took my time getting Camden ready for his first Easter. His outfit was given to us by one of my mom's coworkers and I knew it would be the perfect Easter outfit. The pants were a little too long but I just rolled them under. For his first Easter basket, I went with all practical items since he is too small to understand. He got a bunch of bibs, a book, pacis, gas drops, and a pair of toms. After church, we got some family photos with our little guy. That night, we went to dinner with Craw's parents and Camden got to hang out with his Lulu and Papa Al. Sadly, I did not get a picture but we enjoyed seeing them.


I think it's safe to say his first Easter was a success. We are so thankful for a loving God that sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins, knowing that in 3 days, the grave would be empty. How thankful I am for a risen Savior.

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  1. I just love y’all so much! And what a blessing that sweet cam is to ya!
