The Best Weekend Ever

Craw and I took Friday off so we had a wonderful nice long weekend. It was one of the best weekends we have had in a long time. We kicked off the weekend Thursday night with a little gym sesh and lots of cuddle time with our sweet boy.
We had our first interview with our social worker on Friday.  It went very well and we had a little fun taking trips down memory lane to answer the questions. Since the meeting was in Wake Forest, we drove to Louisburg after the meeting to play a little golf and see Craw's family.
Don't be fooled by me holding a club. I'm not good and I was only there for the fun...although Craw said that I made him play bad.
*eye roll*
We ended Friday night under some beautiful football lights. Craw's brother, Casey, coaches and his cousin plays for Louisburg High School so we went to the game. I enjoyed catching up with my sis-in-law and it was such a fun night with family.
Saturday was the perfect fall day. We kept our "nieces" for a few hours and had a blast with them. We visited the pumpkin patch and park and its safe to say these girls had a blast.
Saturday night we had dinner with friends and Sunday we went to church and had a wonderful day. And guess what made the weekend even better????? The Panthers beat the Patriots 33-30! My sister is a HUGE Patriots fan so it was AWESOME to actually win against the defending Super Bowl Champions. Fingers crossed we can keep playing like we did yesterday!

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