When it came time to plan Cam's Halloween outfit, I picked out a really cute dinosaur outfit. He loves dinosaurs so I thought it would be the perfect outfit. I was WRONG! He hated that costume with a passion. If I even brought it near him, he would take off running and hyperventilating. We decided it may be best to put him in regular clothes for Halloween so we decided to do a train conductor and he was the cutest train conductor I've ever seen.
We did something new this year and went down to my parents beach house the weekend before Halloween. Their park does a big Halloween trick-or-treating from 4-6 and the entire park participates. I was amazed at how many houses decorated and joined in on the fun. We only made it down one full row and we had an entire bucket full of candy. Camden loved it but was not a fan of people in full costume. His favorite part of the night was playing in the dirt for a full hour. He is ALL BOY! We capped off the night with a cookout with friends and family at the beach.
Sunday we came back home and attended our Church trunk-or-treat. Cam loved the rubber ducks and cake walk the most. He didn't really participate in the trunk-or-treat because he was ill and it was HOT! Friends from out of town stopped by and we ended up chilling in the air condition/nursery so Cam could play with Amelia.
On Halloween night, we went over to the Hutchens house for pizza and trick-or-treating in their neighborhood. It was a fun night and we actually only visited a few houses before calling it an early night. It was the perfect Halloween and I'm sure thankful I got the pictures at the beach because I only took 1 picture on Halloween night and it was blurry.
2019 vs 2018
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