Cam turned 21 months on October 17th. It is so hard for me to believe that he will be 2 so very soon. He seems to be learning new things every single day and I can really see him starting to mature. He is learning boundaries and is definitely testing the limit in some cases. He is a strong willed boy that keeps us on our toes but we are loving every single minute. He is really starting to talk and it's so fun to try and figure out what he is saying.
Camden weighs 27.5 pounds now. Craw mentioned the other day that he can tell he is getting solid and he sure is getting heavy to lift.
Our child still LOVES to snack. Its funny because every time he goes to my parents house, he walks straight through their door and straight to the table. Mimi's muffins are his favorite and she usually has one waiting for him. He is a decent eater for the most part and he does a great job with fruits and veggies. He loves to dip food in sauce with ketchup and ranch being his favorites. He tried my sweet tea for the first time a couple months ago and he would drink the whole cup if I let him. Another thing he loves is black olives. We found that you can buy them in travel cups and he will eat the entire cup in one sitting.
We definitely lucked out with a great sleeper. Cam loves his sleep and we do very little when it comes to bedtime. In fact, we usually say "time to go night night" and he walks straight to his crib. He has a nightly ritual of giving Hank love (hugs), then mama, then dada and its the cutest thing ever. He also does great with naps and we can usually get a 2.5 hour nap out of him on the weekends. He still sleeps with a paci and we will try breaking that habit come January so I am going to soak up these last few months of him having it. The time change has kicked our tales and he has been waking up between 5-6 for the past week. Hoping he will start sleeping a little later.
We have noticed a BIG difference in his vocabulary the past few months. He is saying a lot of words and we've noticed he is starting to string some words together. A few of his current phrases are "come here" (usually at hank), "I get down", "light on", "mmm good", and "love you". Some of the words he says all the time are lexa (alexa), mimi, pappy, lulu, papa, big pa, avery, no, peese (please), light, hank, snack, goldfish, shark, etc. I need to do a better job of writing down the funny words he says. One funny moment is that he associates Church with Pappy because he always sees Pappy when he goes to church. My parents have a magnet picture of our church on their fridge and he carries that magnet all over their house pointing to it and saying pappy. He has learned what Time Out means and will walk straight to the corner when he is in trouble. Sometimes I think he likes getting in time out. Another big milestone in October was he peed in the potty for the first time. He has done it several times and I can tell he knows how to make himself go. However, he is still has a while before he is going to use it on his own without me prompting it so we are not pushing him.
His doggy is his number one like/love. He doesn't do anything without his doggy in tow and its the cutest thing ever. Doggy is starting to look rough because he's been so well loved. He also has a dog we have named Patrick Henry because Mimi and Pappy got it from Williamsburg. That dog is another favorite but doggy will always be #1. He still loves being outside and its a knock down, drag out meltdown when we make him come inside. I've really noticed him playing more with his friends and he will even call a few of them by name. He still loves to watch LooLoo Kids/Baby Bum but he has started to take interest in PJ Mask, Bubble Guppies, and Paw Patrol. Disney+ was released this month and he is loving watching Lion King and many other classics.
He hates having his face/nose cleaned and will do his best to squirm away. We took him trick or treating and he seemed to be scared of dress up characters so Christmas is going to be interesting this year. He still hates being confined and restaurants have become tough because he doesn't like to sit still.
He is wearing mostly 2T now. We have to make sure we get the adjustable waist pants but 18 months is too short on him now. He is still wearing a size 6 shoe.
Camden Ivey, you sure are FUN! You make me laugh every single day with your facial expressions and the words you have picked up on already. You are a feisty little thing and have started to let some attitude show when you don't get your way. Your dad says you are just like me in that regard. Thankfully, a little time out seems to do the trick. My favorite thing you are doing right now is running up to me every morning when I wake up and saying mama and giving me the biggest hug. Your face lights up when you see me and it melts my heart. We love you so much little bub and I can't wait to celebrate the holidays with you this year.