ONE YEAR! 12 months! 365 days!
It blows my mind that Camden is 12 months old now. Time had a way of moving fast before Camden but time truly does speed up when you have a baby. This was a big month for Camden. I'm also secretly happy that I no longer have to take these weekly pictures. That started at the request of Craw and to begin with wasn't bad but it definitely got harder to remember. I'm happy to be retiring from taking those but I'm happy I did it.
He weighs 22.2 pounds. He hasn't gained any weight since his 9 month appointment and the doctor said that is very typical for a baby when they become active. He is 30.5 inches so he did get taller but he is definitely a lean little thing.
He eats everything now and we have switched him over to whole milk. Switching from formula to whole milk was not an issue. We also didn't have any issues giving him his milk in a sippy cup. The hard part is going to be cutting out that nighttime milk. He is a creature of habit and he expects milk first thing when he gets up and right before he goes to sleep. We may have to gradually get to that point. He still loves bananas and go-go applesauce.
Because Camden is a creature of habit, he sleeps so good as long as we keep him on his routine. He goes to bed at 8 and he loves going to sleep. I love that he loves his crib so much. He is consistently sleeping from 8-6 and we sometimes get lucky and he sleeps till 6:30-7. The biggest thing we noticed this month is he is content to lay in his crib for a while after he wakes up. If he wakes up at 6, he will lay in his crib talking to himself until we go get him around 6:30-6:45. That has been a major plus for our morning routine. He has been taking 2 naps a day but starting this week, he will transition to 1 nap a day. I'm interested to see how this works and I know it will take some time but he will adapt eventually.
Our boy is walking! He took his first consistent steps on January 4th. He had been taking a couple of steps for about a month but nothing consistent and he wouldn't do it on command. Craw and I were at home that night playing with him in the living room and he walked all the way across the living room. We freaked out and then he did it again and again. Since that night, he has gotten so much faster but he still looks like Frankenstin with his arms out straight. He celebrated his first Christmas, first New Years, and first birthday all in one month. It was a crazy big month. He also got 2 of his top molars in and those things were rough. My 2 favorites this month were watching him blow kisses and wave bye-bye. He's been waving for a while now but now he says "da da" when he waves. I can tell he is trying so hard to say bye bye but he can't quite get the 'b' sound so he says "da da."
He LOVES his stuffed animal doggy. He doesn't go to sleep without it. It's actually so cute to see him connected to something. He has two stuffed animals dogs but only one that we refer to as "doggy" and he can tell the difference. He loves waving bye to everyone he sees. He also loves to point and he usually has his finger pointing at something. He will sometimes say "dat" for that and its pretty cute. He still loves his baths and that boy would live in water if we let him. His new favorite thing is to drink his bath water which I think is pretty disgusting.
He HATES having his face touched. Shew! I have never met a child that screamed before a person even touches them. He knows the minute he sees a baby wipe that something is about to happen and he hates it. He has also started to dislike having his diaper changed. When we start walking towards his room, he starts whining and when I put him on the changing table, he really starts crying. Once I start changing him, he usually stops but getting to that point is tough.
He is in all 12 month clothes now and even wearing a couple of 12-18 month pieces. He will probably be in 12 month for a while because the pants fit his length but they are usually big in the waist. He is constantly sagging.
Camden Ivey, how are you now a toddler? I feel like you grew up over night. You are no longer our little baby. I love watching your personality develop and watching that one dimple of yours grow big when you see me walk in to the room. I also love how I can smile at you across the room and you will just throw your head back and laugh. You are so precious to me. It's hard to remember what life was like before you because you bring so much joy to everyone around you. I pray you always stay this loving. You are going to do big things one day. I love you with all my heart. More than all the toys in Walmart.
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