It's been a while and I have definitely been slacking on this space. The past month was a crazy one for sure but life sure is fun with our sweet boy. I can't believe we are in the last single digit month. As sad as that sounds, each day is more exciting than the day before and seeing Camden's personality is the best part of each day. Our boy is a HOOT and is sure to make everyone around him laugh at his crazy sounds and faces that he makes.
He is 22.6 pounds. We moved up to size 4 diapers 2 weeks ago because the size 3's were getting too snug.
I feel like he made leaps and bounds in the eating department this month. I had some serious fears when it came to feeding him real food but this month I started letting him have more and more things off of my plate. He now eats 3 meals a day with at least one of those being puree. Daycare has also started working with him on food so he loves to eat pancakes, veggies, fruits, etc. We are still careful with the meats we give him and he has only had chicken, eggs, and turkey. His favorite foods are bananas, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, squash, pickles, BREAD, goldfish, and yogurt melts. He also loves water and is really starting to get the hang of a sippy cup. He still gets 4 bottles of formula a day.
He has slept great this month. It is starting to stay darker in the mornings and that definitely helps him sleep a little later. Some mornings he may wake up between 5-6 and just lay in his crib and then sometimes he will sleep until 6-7. We definitely don't mind and I'm so thankful he is over the 8 month regression. He also puts himself to sleep at night. Sometimes he will cry for 2 minutes but he is usually asleep within 5 minutes of laying him in his crib. Daycare told me their favorite thing about Camden is that when he gets tired, he lets you know and you better find a crib fast.
HE is his MAMAS BOY!
Camden has 8 teeth now. I feel like they multiplied over night and he has 4 on top and 4 on bottom. This month was HUGE as far as walking/scaling furniture. He is on the MOVE and we have to watch him carefully. He will now walk while pushing his walker. It's so cute because he loves to walk on his tip toes. I have a feeling he will be officially walking within a month or two. He started clapping this month and it is so cute. He also finally said MAMA. He still doesn't say mama and dada on command but he will say it while babbling.
He loves to clap his hands and will even clap when he cries. He also loves to make sounds and pat his mouth with his hand. He LOVES his brother and it is so funny to watch the two of them interact. Hank spends majority of his mornings trying to escape Camden's hands from patting him to death. Camden also likes music and has started dancing up and down. His favorite toy this month was his little pumpkin and he would roll it around everywhere he went. He also loves mama's keys and we have to carefully hide them from his sight or he will scream. Another favorite this month was a wash cloth. He is obsessed with sucking on it while taking a bath.

It's safe to say our boy has a bit of a temper. It's so hard not to laugh at him when he does his squealing because he's mad that we took something away from him. He also started this grunting thing this month where he grunts when he doesn't like something. Diaper changes aren't his favorite right now and it sometimes takes 2 people to hold him down.
He is in 9 month clothes and will soon be in 12 month pajamas. I just packed most of his 6 month stuff away. We have also been transitioning to fall clothes and he is so cute wearing a jacket.
Camden Ivey, you are my favorite! I don't know how your daddy and I got so lucky but all I can say is we are blessed. Even when your attitude starts to show, we are still obsessed with you. I know for a fact that God has a big purpose for your life and you are going to do BIG things one day. In fact, you already are. You have changed so many people's lives and I can't wait to share some of the stories with you one day. You are our greatest blessing. We love you sweet boy.
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