Pretty sure my body is still trying to recover from July 4th. We had a great Independence Day spent with family and friends but it has completely thrown my body off since it fell on a Wednesday. We kicked off the holiday with a night swim the night before and it was nice.
On July 4th, Camden decided he wanted to wake up at 5:45 AM and that was ROUGH. Thankfully Craw let me continue to sleep while he entertained Camden for a couple hours. Around 8, Craw went and got us breakfast and we kicked the day off with french toast and waffles, compliments of Amy Jo's kitchen. Around 11, we left to go see Craws family. Camden has a tooth that has broke through the skin but hasn't come all the way up so he was a bit fussier than normal and completely refused to nap for us. Thankfully he was still his happy self around the family and Craws uncle was able to meet Cam for the first time.
We enjoyed spending a couple hours with his family. Next year there will be another baby with us for the holidays and I CANNOT WAIT! Our sweet niece is set to arrive sometime around the beginning of October.
That night we headed over to our friends house for a 4th of July cookout. I made Mikes Farm mac n cheese and it was a hit. It was nice to spend the evening with friends with not a care in the world. Cam fell asleep at their house so he didn't make it to see the fireworks but that's okay, there is always next year.
It was a great 4th of July and we ended the night celebrating our fur baby's 5th birthday. It's so hard to believe Hank is 5. He is so sweet and he definitely loves his brother.
It was a great 4th of July and we ended the night celebrating our fur baby's 5th birthday. It's so hard to believe Hank is 5. He is so sweet and he definitely loves his brother.
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