Thanksgiving 2017

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are having a tough time getting back in to the swing of things today. Craw and I had Friday off so we had a 4 day weekend and it was glorious. We kicked off Thanksgiving weekend by heading to see Craw's family on Wednesday night to eat. This was the dinner that GG always hosted and when she passed, Craw's mom took over the hosting duties. We had a great time seeing his extended family and enjoying a family fun game night. We headed back home later that night to prepare for Thanksgiving day.
We woke up Thursday morning and Craw made cinnamon rolls and we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving parade together. We usually make a butter braid but we sadly did not get one this year to cook on Thanksgiving morning. For lunch, we went to my Aunt Debbie's house and enjoyed lunch with all of my family. I sadly realized that we take lots of pictures with my family but not enough with Craw's family. We need to change that for Christmas.
Craw and I went back to his family's house Thursday night for another family dinner. Sadly, I did not take any pictures. We went Black Friday shopping super late Thursday night and we enjoyed our time. However, I got to a point where I lost all of my energy and all I wanted was my bed. Three Thanksgiving meals and driving back and forth will do that to you.
Friday we decorated for Christmas and I am loving my two new adoption ornaments from mom and Mama Teri.
For our anniversary, I bought Craw tickets to the State/UNC game. We went on Saturday and we had the BEST date day. That game was a little scary the first half but State pulled out the WIN.
We finished out the weekend with a low key day on Sunday. I snapped this picture of sweet Hank and it is for sure one of my new favorites. Craw and I talked about how this is hopefully our last Thanksgiving as a family of three. Next year, we hope to have a little baby tagging along with us and we absolutely cannot wait!

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Life Lately

Today is going to be a random assortment of life lately pictures. Life has been SO busy. I feel like I always say that but here we are a week away from Thanksgiving. How is that even possible? October was a complete blur for me and I am really trying to focus on saying no to more things and enjoying some down time.
I sure do love this guy. I really did luck out in the husband department. With my Crohns, there are many days when I come home from work completely wiped out and Craw always steps up and helps out around the house.  So very thankful for him.
This is my other favorite guy. He is just the sweetest most cuddly dog ever! I love my sweet Hank.
November is Adoption Awareness month. I saw a friend share this picture on Facebook and loved it so much! Obviously adoption is something that is very important to us and I love that there is a whole month dedicated to bringing awareness to the beauty that is adoption.
Last Thursday was World Adoption Day and it was a trending hashtag on Instagram. The symbol for this day is a smiley on the hand. People were drawing all types of smiley's and taking creative pictures using the hashtag #worldadoptionday. Craw and I loved being able to participate in this and we can't wait to hopefully have another little hand in the picture next year.
Speaking of adoption and Baby Bolton, I ordered this cute diaper book bag on Amazon and LOVE it.  The reviews were really good and I can't wait to use this. I even got Craw's stamp of approval.
Last Saturday we got to spend some time with Eva. She is getting SO BIG and I cannot believe she will be two in January. She loved playing with Craw.
I got to work on my swaddle game and Eva thought it was funny. She definitely loves her babies.

So that's a wrap on life lately. I am hoping to be back soon to provide an update on the adoption.

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Three Years

Three years ago today, my life was changed for the better. Some days it feels like we've already lived a lifetime and then other days, it feels like yesterday when the church doors opened and I saw my groom for the first time. I am reminded daily what a commitment marriage truly is and how Craw is my perfect gift. I am blessed that God chose me to be his wife.

I always joke around and say that he is the nice one but its the absolute truth. My favorite thing about Craw is that he will literally help anyone. And by that I mean, it's nothing for me to get a call saying he just picked up a stranger and took them to Mcdonalds to get them a meal. This is usually followed by me giving him a lecture of how he should NEVER give someone a ride that he doesn't know but at the same time, I'm so darn proud he is my husband. He is an encourager, motivator, emotional supporter, and definitely the calm to my crazy. That is key when he is married to a wife that freaks out about everything. All this to say, I cannot imagine life without him and I am honored to say that I get to love this man for the rest of my life.

2018 is going to be a year of change for our family and we are so very excited.

Happy three years, babe! This is going to be our best one yet and I am so happy I get to watch you take on your next role as a daddy.

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