Life/Health Update

It has been a while since I last posted. Life has been barreling full steam ahead and I have been cherishing every moment in preparation of my first Crohns surgery. I knew this would eventually happen but I never imagined I would be having surgery with a 13 month old at home. I am feeling prepared and ready to get this behind me.
I feel like Camden knows something is about to be different because he has been super clingy the past week. We have a game plan for him and my prayer is that he wont even notice things are different. I will have to be in the hospital up to a week after the surgery so we are thankful that both sets of grandparents are able to help us out.
I am starting to get anxious about the surgery. I know this is pretty routine for a Crohns patient but it doesn't make it any easier. My prayer is that this will put me in remission so that I can enjoy my life without fear of ending up in the hospital every 6 months due to a flare. I know that Gods got this and in the end this will be a distant memory.

If you read this before Tuesday, March 5th, say some prayers for me.

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