Camden's First Panthers Sunday

I CANNOT believe we are halfway through September and are slowly making our way in to my absolute favorite season. I dreamed of what it would be like to have a baby during fall and football season and I'm trying real hard to not let our schedules get too jam packed to where we can't enjoy it. That gets hard when I have 3 birthday parties, 2 baby showers, and 1 wedding all within the next 10 days.

Camden experienced his FIRST Panthers Sunday on September 9th and it was even better because we WON! The season opener was against Dallas and it was fun getting to dress up Cam in his Cam Newton jersey to match his daddy. I will say it was tough to actually enjoy the game because...
#crawling #teething #intoeverything

But seriously, watching a game with an 8 month old baby isn't quite the fun I was hoping it would be but we made it work. And Camden was the cutest little Panthers fan I've ever seen. I can't wait until he is old enough to go to games with us.

So here is to football, and fall, and doing all the fall things with our sweet boy and maybe next time I will make the pictures!
These truly are the days.


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Camden Ivey | Eight Months

Our boy is eight months already and I cannot believe it. Camden is full of personality these days and all over the place. It is so fun to watch him grow. It feels like he is learning something new every day which is truly amazing to watch. It also means that we have to constantly watch him now so no more relaxing down time for mama and dada.


If I had to guess, I would say he is probably 20 pounds. He hasn't been weighed since last month but I can tell he is getting pretty heavy. We are hoping to hold out on the infant car seat until Black Friday so that we can score some deals on convertible car seats.


He came a long ways this month in his eating. He still eats a lot of purees but I can tell he is starting to get tired of them. We started giving him some real food this month and he seems to love it but he sure is messy. His favorites are muffins, pizza crust, mac n chees, and bananas. He also LOVES his mum mums, yogurt melts, and puffs. He drinks 4 bottles a day and we have started putting some prune juice in his bottles to help with constipation.


Sleep has not been our friend this month. I actually told Craw that Camden's newborn days were better than his latest sleep habits. He wakes up several times a night and its extremely difficult to get him to go back to sleep. Most of this is due to the fact he was sick for the past month with an ear infection and croup. Once he got over the croup, 2 top teeth broke through and we were back to more sleepless nights. He has done better the past couple of days but we have started letting him cry it out. We shall see what his sleep is like at 9 months but I'm praying it gets better because MAMA IS TIRED.


I definitely think he hit the most milestones this past month. He was semi crawling at 7 months but wasn't fast and would only take a few small crawls. Within 2 days, he went from semi crawling to crawling all over the place to standing up to scaling all kinds of objects. We couldn't believe how fast things changed. In fact, he was out of daycare for a couple of days due to croup and they could not believe how much he had changed when he went back. I have a feeling he may be an early walker because he loves pulling up on things and walking with us holding his hands. He now has a total of 4 teeth with 2 new top ones coming in. He talks non-stop and has mastered "Dada". I was really hoping mama would be his first word but he says dadadadada all the time now. I don't think he is intentionally calling for his daddy but it is definitely his first word. He has really taken a liking to Hank and we have to watch him to make sure he isn't pulling Hanks fur. We lowered his crib this month and need to lower it again because he LOVES standing up in his crib.


He loves pulling up on things and standing up. He thinks it is a huge accomplishment and looks at us with a big grin on his face. He loves going for walks on his tricycle and he is still a water baby. He loves when people wear hats because chewing the hat brim is his favorite. He loves mama and dada and has really started to notice when we leave him. He still loves people and generally doesn't cry when we hand him over but I can tell he doesn't want us to go too far away.


He dislikes being overly tired and quickly lets you know when he is ready for bed. He has also developed an attitude when something does not go his way and we are slowly working on that. If you take something out of his hands, you better replace it with something quick or do he is going to scream. He also hates being hungry. It is quite comical seeing how fast we have to move when we get home from work because homeboy is HANGRY.


He is pretty much in 9 month clothes now. Mom and I just went shopping at a couple of consignment sales and scored some major deals on 9, 12, and 18 month clothes. I'm pretty sure he is set now.

Camden Ivey, you sure do love to keep us on our toes. We were constantly having to watch you this month and make sure you weren't eating your brothers dog food. Your personality is the cutest thing ever and that smile melts me to my core. You still have your one cute dimple and its one of my favorite things about you. I can't believe its been 8 months since we met you for the first time but I do know it's been the best 8 months of my life. We love you so much sweet boy!

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Labor Day Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend and I was sad to see it go. Friday night we had dinner with friends and Craw and I crashed early as we were both worn out from the week. Craw started a new job back in January and he has to attend quarterly regional meetings. They always do giveaways at these meetings and he won an overnight stay at the Marriott in downtown New Bern as well as gift cards to Morgans and Bakers Kitchen. We decided Labor Day weekend was the perfect weekend to cash in those vouchers and we had THE VERY BEST time.

New Bern is a place we drive past all the time but have never stopped and admired its beauty. The downtown area by the water is gorgeous and it was so nice to "get away" even though we were only a little over an hour away from home.
We arrived in New Bern around 2 on Saturday and the hotel let us check in early. I enjoyed a relaxing afternoon nap while Craw ventured out to check out our surroundings. I unfortunately had a headache so that was the main reason I decided to relax. We went to Morgans for dinner and it did not disappoint. Craw loved their meat loaf and I was drooling over their mac-n-cheese.

Sunday morning we woke up and Craw went to the lobby to get my Starbucks. I could get used to waking up to Starbucks every single morning. We then went to eat at Baker Kitchen and it did NOT disappoint. I was told to try the french toast and it was by far the best french toast I've ever eaten. We will definitely be going back to New Bern soon.

After breakfast we made the trek to the burg to get Camden. Craw's parents kept him and he had a blast with them. We decided to take Camden out to the golf course later in the day and he did good for the first 2 holes and then he was over the heat and gnats. He eventually fell asleep on me and I enjoyed watching Craw play the remaining holes.

Monday was a day of relaxation and I may have taken 2 naps with Camden. It was glorious. I definitely look forward to the long weekends where we can spend extra time with Camden but it sure was nice to get away for a night. Looking forward to doing it again soon. 

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