It's been a while since I have done this but there has been a lot going on lately. Here are some of photos to recap our life lately.
Finally got my glasses and decided to rest my eyes from contacts for about 5 days. This was last weekend when we met Crawford's family at Buffalo Brothers in Wake Forest.
This one is a big one. I was scheduled for another infusion about 3 weeks ago. I took off work for the afternoon and drove to Raleigh and was excited because my body was begging for medicine. I had come down with a sinus infection that week and had just been put on an antibiotic. The sinus infection sent me in to a flare and it had been a bad day/week. I get to Raleigh and as soon as I sit down, the nurse asks if I am on any medicine. I tell her about the antibiotic and she immediately had this look on her face. She told me she would be right back and, low and behold, she came back and said I couldn't get my infusion BECAUSE I was on an antibiotic. Learned something new that day. You would have thought they would have told me that little bit of information when I first started my infusions. I was NOT a happy camper and had to wait a week before I could get my infusion.
Crawford stepped through our ceiling while we were trying to get our Christmas decorations down. Thankfully, we have GREAT friends and Corey volunteered his time to come and help Craw patch the hole. It has now been about 3 months since he stepped through the ceiling and it still looks like this. Let me just say, I married a major procrastinator BUT at least he took it upon himself to fix it versus us paying someone $300 to fix it.
Superbowl Sunday, a bunch of the girls got together and we went to Artful Expressions in Rocky Mount. This is a little bit different than Wine and Design as each person can pick what they want to paint. This lady runs her little business right in her back yard and we had so much fun. I loved the way my flower turned out and it is already hanging on my front door.
**Disclaimer: I am not as talented as this picture makes me look. All of the details were added by the owner.
Our Panther flag came in and I think someone else likes it just as much as I do. I can't wait to fly this flag HIGH come August.
One of my best friends dad was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. I know there are many people in the world that are going through difficult times but this family has been hit HARD over the past 1-2 years. Maggie lost her father-in-law about a year ago to cancer, she has a young cousin fighting breast cancer, her dad has already beaten lung cancer, and now this. Mr. John is like a second dad to me. Something that he LOVES to do is make things from scrap wood. His newest obsession is these beautiful crosses. I am pretty sure every single woman in our church has one. He even made one for all of the nurses he sees each day while getting radiation. I am pretty obsessed with my spring table. It not only makes me smile every day when I walk by but it also makes me stop and say a small prayer and reminds me that "God is God and only God is good at being God." Praying for complete healing.
Your blogs bring a smile to my face every time I read them. <3 :-)