One Blissful Year

One whole year. 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. 8,760 hours. 525,600 minutes.

My vows still ring true every single day.  You are my light, my love, and my life.  Thank you for your unconditional love and support over this past year and for always being my person.  Cheers to many, many more. 

six months


Today makes six months of marriage.  I am not sure how that is even possible but somehow, we are six months in.  Marriage is wonderful.  It is definitely not always perfect, but it is truly wonderful.  I feel like I have learned a lot in these past six months...and I am not referring to just cooking (I see you, mom).

So much has happened in the last six months.  Crawford and I did not live together before we got married so  the last six months have been spent moving my loads of clothes and miscellaneous crap stuff to our house.  What that really means is we threw everything in to our guest bedroom and office and have slowly begun sifting through the boxes.  Its a work in progress.  I feel like as soon as I get the room empty and clean, mom calls me and says she has found more of my stuff. 
The day we closed on our house.  I did not move in until 7 months later.

In the last six months, Crawford and I have worked on a lot of house projects together. 

The first big task was assembling our upholstered bed.  Sounds like an easy first task, right?  WRONG.  It took us 4.5 hours in between him telling me numerous times to "leave the room and go sit on the couch."
We also hung curtains in 3 different rooms of the house and made it through that just fine as well.  While curtains are not hard to assemble, I am a perfectionist so I made him re-do them a couple of times to get it just right.

We went on a weekend trip to Charlotte for my birthday and discovered our new passion for the Panthers.  Crawford has been loving the Panthers but I have never cared for football.  However, I fell in love with Charlotte and we already have tickets for a game in the fall and a longggg weekend getaway. 

Our first married Thanksgiving. 

We spent our first Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, as well as birthdays together.  It was nice not having to split up and go our separate ways.
First Married Christmas 
First Christmas Tree in our new house. 
We took Christmas pictures on our wedding day.

We have started spending more time with the youth at church and volunteer every other Sunday in the nursery together during Sunday School.  I must say, this is one of the biggest highlights.  I love doing ministry with my husband...even if we are starting out small.

We had our first big disagreement or fight (whatever you want to call it) and had to figure out the proper way to handle it.  Getting in a big disagreement with your husband is wayyyy different when you are married than when you were dating.  While we were dating, I would just go off by myself or go home.  I can't do that now.  It took some adjusting but we figured out what worked for us and I can already tell we will be just fine at handling whatever comes our way.

So as you can see, the first 6 months of marriage has been filled with immeasurable amounts of bliss.  That is the reason I named this blog Blissfully Bolton.

Crawford, I cannot even describe the amount of joy that you bring in to my life.  This new adventure that I get to share with you has been the greatest of my life.  These past six months have flown by and I cannot wait to do 566549879413 x infinity more with you.  Thank you for your patience and love shown to me.  I love you times infinity plus one. 

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Life Lately

These are my favorite posts to read on blogs so I figured since I've been absent for a while, a life lately post is just what I need.
Crawford was baptized on Palm Sunday. Such an awesome moment to watch as a super proud wife.
We finally got rid of that awful vinyl sliding blind (not sure what the technical name is) and put up curtains. It took us forever to get it just right but I loved the finished product.
Crawford had a birthday on April 4 so we celebrated with his family the night before. He loves being a goofball and I had to make him take the hat off.
We decided to do a low key cookout with some of our closest friends for his birthday. We had a great time!
We even had an impromptu Easter egg hunt with the kids.
All of the kids love "fluffy dog" but I think it's safe to say Teague loves him the most.
For his birthday, my parents and I surprised Craw with a new gas grill. He loves it and we are grilling all the time now.
Hank got a new cut...such a sweet boy.
We went boating/fishing with friends for the first time this season. We even got a little burnt.
I love this precious mama-to-be.
Seriously, have you seen anything cuter???
Lastly, we had pictures taken for our new church directory. I changed this to black and white because we looked like Easter eggs. I was wearing a salmon colored shirt and craw wore a bright yellow button down.

Life has been hectic and crazy, but oh so wonderful.

Weekend Getaway with Mom

Sorry for my absence in blog land.  I have been meaning to post this all week but just didn't have the time to get the post together...better late than never.

Mom always loves taking a weekend at least once a year to spend with me and my sister.  Sometimes we do them together, and sometimes we do them separately.  Hillary was able to escape to the beach back in January for a small getaway so mom and I started throwing out dates to figure out a weekend that would work for the two of us.  We ended up choosing last weekend and we even took Friday off from work.  Let me just say, it was pure bliss to have a day off at the beach. 
We left Thursday evening after work and we took Hank with us for the weekend.  It rained all night Thursday night and there is nothing better than sleeping at the beach to the sound of rain.  The only downside was having to walk a dog in the rain.  I didn't have Crawford there to nudge and beg to take him out.  It was just me and that part sucked.  The forecast called for rain all day on Friday and only a high of 55.  WRONG! It cleared up around 10 am and it probably got up to about 70-75 that day.  It was GORGEOUS!! We spent the day relaxing, walking, catching up on life, and ended the day by doing some shopping in Morehead.

Saturday we slept in and did nothing majority of the day.  Mom asked what I wanted to do and I told her I had been dying to see the new Cinderella movie.  So that is exactly what we did.  If you follow me on Facebook, you probably saw the status I put up.


We ended the night by eating at Rucker Johns and it was delicious.  On Sunday, we didn't do much but sit around and relax before having to pack up and come home.  It was definitely a wonderful weekend filled with many great laughs and talks.  It was my first time being away from Crawford since we got married and while it was probably needed, I definitely missed him.  

On the way home from the beach, we picked up this gorgeous beauty from my favorite 5thandSmith ladies.  
Isn't she a beauty? 

I hope you all have been enjoying your week and are exciting for the upcoming weekend. I know I sure am!!


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Netflix Favorites

Four words. Thank God for Netflix! I am not sure why we even have cable anymore.  All I do is watch Netflix and occasionally Hulu.  If ESPN could be on Netflix, then we would for sure get rid of cable but the hubs needs his sports.  Since I graduated from college, I have watched tons and tons of TV shows.  Today I am going to recap my favorites.

I LOVE Revenge.  If you are looking for a show that grabs your attention right from the start and is filled with lots of drama, this is the show for you.  Even Crawford loves it.  It is full of twists and turns and will have you trying to guess what will happen next but it is IMPOSSIBLE to guess what happens next.  

|TWO| The Blacklist
Crawford randomly selected this show a few weeks ago and within one week, we had watched all of the episodes available on Netflix.  Crawford always lets me watch shows even when he is not home and says he will just figure out what he missed on the recaps before each episode.  Not with this one.  I had to wait for him for every single episode.  It is THAT good.  If you are looking for a show that deals with crime and suspense with a little bit of mystery, this is the show for you.

|THREE| Scandal
I'm sure you have heard tons of people talking about this one.  All of my coworkers talk about this one just about every Thursday so I finally decided to see what all the rave was about.  I was definitely hooked on this one from the beginning as well.  I love politics and throw in a juicy love triangle as well as crime solving and you have yourself the perfect show.  

|FOUR| Pretty Little Liars
Yes, this is my girly "go-to" show.  This one is mysterious and has you constantly trying to guess who "A" is while also being engulfed in the many different love affairs.  Crawford likes this one too so I am not sure how girly this one truly is but I love it.  My only complaint is I feel like they have drawn out some of the episodes with too many twists but at the same time, it leaves me guessing.  And no, I have not read the book nor do I keep up with the live broadcast so I do not know who A is.  Don't spoil it! :)

|FIVE| Parenthood
We are currently watching this show.  I love it because it is an easy show to watch and I love the family dynamic.  I feel like it plays out every single scenario a family/parent goes through at some point in life.  It also shows that every family will go through trials but at the end of the day, they're your family and thats sometimes all you have.  LOVE IT!

Some of our other favorites are Prison Break, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Nashville, Hart of Dixie, and Gossip Girl.

Next on my list: Greys Anatomy

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The Small Details: Pre-Ceremony

I am definitely on a wedding blogging kick.  Now that I have all of my pictures back, I want to try to get them on the blog before I forget some of the details.  I am going to focus on the pre-cermony pictures today which includes all of the small details.  I would say I was a decently organized bride.  I had a step by step timeline of the wedding day and I took every single detail into consideration.  I even had it in a pretty excel spreadsheet in which I listed out what, where, when, and who- hour by hour.  My hairdresser and photographer probably thought I was crazy! One of the most important things to me was that I wanted to pray with Crawford before the wedding without him seeing me.  This was probably the most difficult part because my bridesmaids had to navigate us around the house to get us in place.  We almost saw each fact, I did see him but he never saw me.  I don't know if that is considered bad luck or not but I am one that isn't superstitious so to me it didn't really matter.  I just did NOT want him to see me and that was a success.  Below are some of my favorite pictures taken before the ceremony of all the little details including flowers, getting ready, praying with my family and Crawford, and reading our letters.  Sometimes I can close my eyes and relive every single one of those moments. That day was truly special.

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