Today makes six months of marriage. I am not sure how that is even possible but somehow, we are six months in. Marriage is wonderful. It is definitely not always perfect, but it is truly wonderful. I feel like I have learned a lot in these past six months...and I am not referring to just cooking (I see you, mom).
So much has happened in the last six months. Crawford and I did not live together before we got married so the last six months have been spent moving my loads of clothes and miscellaneous crap stuff to our house. What that really means is we threw everything in to our guest bedroom and office and have slowly begun sifting through the boxes. Its a work in progress. I feel like as soon as I get the room empty and clean, mom calls me and says she has found more of my stuff.
The day we closed on our house. I did not move in until 7 months later. |
In the last six months, Crawford and I have worked on a lot of house projects together.
The first big task was assembling our upholstered bed. Sounds like an easy first task, right? WRONG. It took us 4.5 hours in between him telling me numerous times to "leave the room and go sit on the couch."
We also hung curtains in 3 different rooms of the house and made it through that just fine as well. While curtains are not hard to assemble, I am a perfectionist so I made him re-do them a couple of times to get it just right.
We went on a weekend trip to Charlotte for my birthday and discovered our new passion for the Panthers. Crawford has been loving the Panthers but I have never cared for football. However, I fell in love with Charlotte and we already have tickets for a game in the fall and a longggg weekend getaway.
Our first married Thanksgiving. |
We spent our first Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, as well as birthdays together. It was nice not having to split up and go our separate ways.
First Married Christmas |
First Christmas Tree in our new house. |
We took Christmas pictures on our wedding day. |
We have started spending more time with the youth at church and volunteer every other Sunday in the nursery together during Sunday School. I must say, this is one of the biggest highlights. I love doing ministry with my husband...even if we are starting out small.
We had our first big disagreement or fight (whatever you want to call it) and had to figure out the proper way to handle it. Getting in a big disagreement with your husband is wayyyy different when you are married than when you were dating. While we were dating, I would just go off by myself or go home. I can't do that now. It took some adjusting but we figured out what worked for us and I can already tell we will be just fine at handling whatever comes our way.
So as you can see, the first 6 months of marriage has been filled with immeasurable amounts of bliss. That is the reason I named this blog Blissfully Bolton.
Crawford, I cannot even describe the amount of joy that you bring in to my life. This new adventure that I get to share with you has been the greatest of my life. These past six months have flown by and I cannot wait to do 566549879413 x infinity more with you. Thank you for your patience and love shown to me. I love you times infinity plus one.