Whirligig Weekend

We had a fun filled weekend at the Whirligig Festival. Camden was a little shell shocked to begin with and I think it was because of all the people. He has also been clingy lately so that probably didn't help. His little eyes were trying to take in everything. We were able to take Camden with us to vote and that was fun. I put the "I voted" sticker on him and 10 seconds later it was in his mouth.

We didn't really have an agenda for the festival so it was nice just walking around and observing everything. Camden got to see his daddy's office and loved going for a spin in his daddy's chair. He also ate some fried oreos and corn dog and he seemed to really like it. After the Whirligig Festival, we went home and took a 2 hour family nap. It was the best thing EVER.

Sunday was a low key day trying to adjust to the time change. Camden decided to wake up at 4:30 and then 5:30 so it was an early morning for daddy. Sunday night we had dinner with Jenna before she leaves for Chad. We miss her so much but are so glad to see her when she's home visiting.

It was a really nice weekend with the family and I'm so excited to get out of town this coming weekend with just Craw.

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