National Adoption Awareness Month

November is National Adoption Awareness month. I have been very sentimental this past week thinking about how much adoption has changed my life. I can vividly remember celebrating this month last year. We had just finished up our home study and were waiting for the final copy to be mailed to us. We were unsure of so many things but trusting that 2018 would be the year.

If you had told me that 2 months after taking the picture below we would be holding our sweet boy, I would have laughed and not believed you.
January 17, 2018 completely changed our lives.

I can't even fathom what that day would have been like if we had said "no" when God firmly called us to adopt.
 I try not to think of the "what ifs" too much but it does cross my mind from time to time. Our agency was the third agency the hospital called. They had never worked with the hospital that Camden was born fact, it wasn't even in the same city as our agency.
God is GOOD!
I am so passionate about adoption. I know what it's like to be the only one in the relationship feeling the call. I know the pain of hearing your partner say "I just don't think adoption is for us". I also know what it's like to see God do a 180 in a person's life and completely wreck their own agenda. I love hearing Craw tell our story because it truly is amazing how far we have come. In fact, Craw would adopt again tomorrow if it were up to him.

All of this to say, I know God is nudging so many people right now and there are so many that are on the fence. All I can say is DO IT! It has forever changed my life and the lives of those around me. Most days I forget that he is adopted but every now and then, I get a glimpse of a baby that came from brokenness. I see a mama that had to make a painfully hard, yet super brave choice. A baby that laid in a hospital room for an entire day waiting for his mama and daddy to get there and save him.

Camden is our perfect miracle.
He is the reason we celebrate adoption month and why we will do everything in our power to promote awareness and encourage those around us.
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