Camden's First Halloween | 2018

I need a vacation from "Halloweening". Pretty sure I just made that word up but BOY were we busy doing all of the fun Halloween things yesterday. Camden kicked off his first Halloween at daycare by having his face painted. They painted a little pumpkin on his face and apparently it didn't last long because it was gone when I picked him up.

The smartest decision I made was taking some pictures of Camden on Sunday afternoon because I knew we would be in a rush on Wednesday. I love how his pictures turned out and I have to say he made a super cute lion. I like to think he is my ferocious lion even though he is smiling in almost all of the pictures. We taught him how to ROAR and his roar sounds more like an "ahhhhh" but it's still so cute.

Our church hosts a Fall Blast for kids every year. Usually it is on Saturdays but since Halloween fell on a Wednesday this year, they decided to have it then. After I picked Camden up for daycare, we rushed home to get him ready for the night. He was pretty tired from daycare so I knew it was going to be a tough night for him in a costume. Thankfully, he did okay and was a good sport for most of the night. I did have some pictures where his face showed that he was over it and ready for his crib. I'm glad we stayed until the end because our ferocious little lion won the costume contest at church.

It was so much fun celebrating Halloween with a baby. I can't wait to TRICK OR TREAT next year. We have a whole year to get him ready and its going to be awesome!



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